Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Assume Hillary Wins. What Does Donald Trump Do Next?

Posted on October 1st, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

So let us assume for the sake of argument that the numbers hold or get better and that Hillary Clinton is elected President.

What is Trump’s next move?

He’s not gonna do what defeated Presidential nominees usually do and fade to relative silence, as, for instance, Mitt Romney did, or as the elder George Bush did. (Please note that I said “relative” silence; Al Gore and John McCain remain players on the national stage, in one case as a private citizen and in the other as an influential Senator, but in neither case do we still hang on their every word, as we did while they were running.)

Trump, a special case who doesn’t seem to live unless people are paying him rapt attention, is going to be different.

Let us put aside the way his vast criminal empire seems to be crumbling on a dozen separate fronts, right now; the trouble he’s in for the Trump University fraud, for bribery, for the now-national awareness that he routinely stiffs his creditors as a policy, the trouble he’s in for dealing with Cuba during the embargo, the trouble he’s in for his fake charity, the suit where he’s accused of the rape of a minor. It is quite possible that he ran for President to make himself too powerful to prosecute, and yes, as a defeated candidate all of that will flood in on him, from all directions. It will be an interesting time, in the Chinese sense, to be Donald Trump.

But while that’s still catching up with him, or after he squirms free, what will we expect of Schmuckgrave, the Orange Man?

He might try to get THE APPRENTICE back. And NBC might be shameless enough to give it to him. The guy made himself a hero to 40% of the country. Those are golden numbers in TV-Land. And this is really the happiest result possible.

But I think not. The fact is that, as the guru of the alt-right political movement that is even more to the right than what we get from Fox News, he’s got a demographic sewn up, and he’s likely going to use that demographic to create for himself a media juggernaut. Imagine a TV Network that is as far to the right of Fox News as Fox News is to Rachel Maddow, and imagine that it offers 24/7 bloviating from people he would hand-pick. Imagine that he has a one-hour show to weekly stand in front of people who believe in everything he says, and make the kind of speech he’s best at making: a self-aggrandizing name-calling venom hour.

I guarantee you, he’s already put out feelers. I guarantee you, he would almost prefer that future for himself. And while I don’t think he can afford to start a network – it really takes a lot more money than even he claims to have, let alone that which he does have – he can certainly find folks to fund it for him. Some bare-chested heads of state, for instance.

And aside from that?

While President-Elect Hillary Clinton puts together her administration and while President Hillary Clinton sets about the hard business of governing, defeated candidate Douchebag Tremens will continue to appear almost daily on any TV show that will have him, distorting everything she does and making every issue an exercise in claiming that the country would be so much better off if only we had elected him.

And aside from that?

Oh, I believe he will remain a canker-sore on our national landscape for quite some time. He will continue to excoriate a female comedian for remarks she made about him many years ago. He will continue to call women pigs. He will continue to cheat people. He will continue to tell us how fantastic and terrific he is, and he will not, not, take any hints to the effect that he’s overstayed his welcome.

Whether he gets elected or not, we are stuck with him. This is a given. We have a system where a guy can acquire tremendous popularity just by hating the right people, and he will remain a thorn in our sides for a long time. He will also remain a thorn in the side of the Republican Party, and as long as he remains free of consequence for his crimes, there’s no reason why he can’t run again in 2020, claiming that the inevitable national disasters that befall any administration in any four-year period would not happened if we’d allowed him, and his hair, into the White House.

So, yeah, whatever happens, it will be a while before we’re rid of Donald Trump.

On the other hand: he looks like shit, and might die. There’s always that.

47 Responses to "Assume Hillary Wins. What Does Donald Trump Do Next?"

  1. Nobody?

  2. I think people were hoping he’d vanish in a puff of smoke.

  3. All right, longer reply:

    A few of the criminal acts you mention are past the statutory limit, such as the Cuba dealing. Others are going to keep him quite busy for a while– I expect his foundation to be shut down, all assets confiscated, additional restitution required, and possible jail time. (This, of course, supposes no more criminal activity comes to light– which is giving a gigantic benefit of the doubt.)

    I understand the idea of a TV network– but as you point out, it will take much more money than he has, and he’s now widely known as a deadbeat. How many people will want to do business with this new network? How many people will want to front money, based on his track record?

    And as also pointed out, Trump’s not a young man– and the obvious choice to run the network, Roger Ailes, is even older. Expecting either of them to last long enough to start a network from scratch? Years? Not great odds.

    And most of all, his demographic isn’t young either. Fox has already lost some of its punch, as has Rush Limbaugh and the like.

    I expect some sort of get rich scheme– but I’m not sure what’s left that he hasn’t already tried.

    No, I think it’s going to be a race to see which happens first– he goes broke, or he succumbs to Alzheimer’s like his father.

  4. Spontaneusly burst into flame?

  5. And Eric and Donny Jr. can watch.

  6. Hoping that his kids have him committed so they can try to salvage the brand. It’s a long shot, I know. But the thought of Trump on thorazine is comforting.

  7. Well, first we have to get through the thousand or so lawsuits he files accusing vulnerable precincts of election fraud. Then we will have to get through his public rallies inciting his supporters to riots and action against government installations. We will see him continue to be more than 50% of the daily news cycle on CNN and certainly on Fox until at least inauguration day (whenever that might be). Worst of all possible worlds would be for enough courts to rule (and the Supreme Court deadlocked thus upholding lower court rulings) that election was invalid, throwing out Electors and putting the election into the House of Representatives – which would mean what Donald does next is to be anointed President by a GOP Tea-Party House.

    Now I need a drink.

  8. Interesting. Your web page is blocked by Jack in the Box’s wifi.

  9. Going on your mention of Al Gore in the essay–do you think Hillary might appoint him to an environmental position in the cabinet?

  10. Would that be the most effective use of Gore?

  11. Bill Sutton Perhaps, given his credentials and his commitment to fighting climate change.

  12. Just thinking that in general cabinet secretaries tend to be mired in Washington in the administration of policies rather than out stumping for them. Seems like he could be better used.

  13. Bill Sutton Hopefully so. Hopefully, he’ll be a help in whatever capacity is possible. 🙂

  14. I do agree that a new Celebrity Apprentice-type show would be a happy conclusion. It would be the safest place for his crazy ass, short of a prison or asylum.

  15. I don’t think anyone will back his network, and I suspect he won’t get a television series unless it’s on SPIKE. I don’t think even Fox will put him on the air.

    He won’t go away or shut up, but he will gradually be minimalized when someone new shows up with a smoother line.

  16. Every time some idiot tells me about his plans for Trump TV, I ask “And who’s going to advertise on it? Ashley Madison?”

  17. It seems to be wishful thinking that a guy who will carry over 40% of the vote even in a loss won’t be able to convince someone he has enough of an audience to continue – particularly when he has money to put into it if he wants.

  18. I think he will decide if he doesn’t have a clear win that he has wasted his money. I hope that he won’t through good money after bad.

  19. Given the things he has thrown money away on in the past, I’m not so sure that hope is based on much 🙁

  20. Rumor has it Trump wants his own network. I can see that failing pretty darn fast if his business acumen is consistent with his past.

  21. Isn’t he up on multiple charges of rape and fraud? I think Trump’s future is in a country without an extradition treaty with the US. Although I can also see him founding an alt-right media empire from there.

  22. Cry “STOLEN,” and let slip the dogs of civil war!

  23. Whatever he thinks will make him the most money and/or get him the most attention. I can bet on one thing he won’t do: pay his staff what he owes them. After all, if he doesn’t win their work couldn’t have been satisfactory.

  24. I suspect that Trump is working on a “Thanatos Gambit” similar to that to that of Vox Day, and in some sense, those controlling him already feel they have won on some level. He’s already stoked the fires of the worst of the right-wing, in a misguided attempt to have revenge on the entire world, for unjustly neglecting his deserved glory. This sounds quite familiar to those of us in the SF field, of course. After all, both have the same supporters and allies:

  25. It may be a bit of a lengthy read for some, but well worth it. Many don’t follow the alt-right or online hate speech as much as I do, so I believe it’s edifying to hear what they speak of.

  26. I agree it is important to know what is going on with the dangerous crazies. But “edifying” it most definitely is not.

  27. “Know your enemy” is a long-time credo of mine.

  28. Beale’s version of the “Thanatos Gambit” is to declare victory no matter what happens and insist that getting his ass kicked was all part of his secret master plan. It’s sad, but, yeah, Trump seems to be veering in that direction.

  29. Travis, I quite agree. but, edifying? “I don’t think that word means what you think it meands.”

  30. Information is always good to me, regardless of the intent. However evil the source is, it can be used.

  31. Travis, What is that image? I am blind, and it does nothing for me. … BTW, You seem to be confused on the difference between educational/informative and edifying.

  32. Dana S. Leslie Wingnut/Game of Thrones cross-over jokes. Exact texts tomorrow, if you need them.

  33. Dana, both are from my mocking of the alt-right, and not permitting gamer-gate folks to get away with shit. The first using Arya, from GoT,, working on a motif of revenge, on “Homophobic trolls, MRA jerks, Alt right phony profiles, and then, antisemitic pages, skinheads gamergaters and other shitposters. Valar morulugis . . .

  34. Oh, Happy Birthday, glad to see you also shared the Mother Jones link I like to share.

  35. Travis, Paul, Thank you, both. Exact text not needed, but would be enjoyed.

  36. Reportedly there’s at least one Trump son who has his own political aspirations, and their brother-in-law has some actual financial expertise. Given the damage DT has done to the Trump brand, the kids may very well stage an intervention (for your own good, Daddy dear!) and get him shipped off for a nice long rest in some posh sanitarium surrounded by that wall he’s been wanting.

  37. Oh, that’s just great. I had the sudden, gut-wrenching image of a presidential campaign between Eric Trump and Chelsea Clinton. I have to go throw up now….

  38. Lee Wood , Sorry! I should have posted a trigger warning, I guess. Or maybe put it behind a paywall? “Deposit 25 cents now to see the final harbinger of the End of Days!” All proceeds to be split with A-T C, of course, since this is his page!

  39. Jen Bredell O.o

  40. Even greater damage to the Republican brand; but their attempts at intervention have been as feckless as the party itself.

  41. “Sure I lost, but that was part of my HUGE plan. “

  42. I’m less concerned about what Trump himself will do than I am about what his army (word chosen intentionally) of Deplorables will do.

  43. I think he will be dead within 18 months of natural causes. He’s betting the whole roll on this, and if he fails he has nothing to keep him going psychologically. He’s a loser (tho he will eventually claim he ran just to humiliate the Republicans).

    Not Trump TV, at least nothing of consequence. Remember Sarah Palin had a media empire for a few months and then it imploded. Ditto Glenn Beck (tho Beck is trying to establish post-Trump cred by coming out against him now).

  44. The end of “The Dead Zone” DOES come to mind.

  45. If we’re really lucky, life will imitate art, and he’ll encounter his granddaughter’s gom jabbar…

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